Ubuntu/Debian (Ubuntu 14.04+)
Step 1: Install SDFS File System
wget sudo dpkg -i sdfs-latest.deb
Step 2: Change the maximum number of open files allowed
sudo su echo "* hard nofile 65535" >> /etc/security/limits.conf echo "* soft nofile 65535" >> /etc/security/limits.conf exit
Step 5: Log Out and Proceed to Initialization Instructions
CentOS/RedHat (Centos 6.5+)
Step 1: Log in as root
Step 4: Install the SDFS File System
wget yum install sdfs-latest.rpm
Step 5: Change the maximum number of open files allowed
echo "* hard nofile 65535" >> /etc/security/limits.conf echo "* soft nofile 65535" >> /etc/security/limits.conf exit
Step 6: Disable the IPTables firewall
service iptables save service iptables stop chkconfig iptables off
Step 7: Log Out and Proceed to Initialization Instructions
Initialization Instructions for Standalone Volumes
Step 1: Log into the linux system as root or use sudo
Step 2: Create the SDFS Volume. This will create a volume with 256 GB of capacity using a 4K block size.
**Local Storage**
sudo mkfs.sdfs --volume-name=pool0 --volume-capacity=256GB
**AWS Storage**
sudo mkfs.sdfs --volume-name=pool0 --volume-capacity=1TB --aws-enabled true --cloud-access-key <access-key> --cloud-secret-key <secret-key> --cloud-bucket-name <unique bucket name>
**S3 Compliant Storage**
sudo mkfs.sdfs --volume-name=pool0 --volume-capacity=1TB --aws-enabled true --cloud-access-key <access-key> --cloud-secret-key <secret-key> --cloud-bucket-name <unique bucket name> --cloud-url=<http://url>
**Azure Storage**
sudo mkfs.sdfs --volume-name=pool0 --volume-capacity=1TB --azure-enabled true --cloud-access-key <access-key> --cloud-secret-key <secret-key> --cloud-bucket-name <unique bucket name>
**Google Storage**
sudo mkfs.sdfs --volume-name=pool0 --volume-capacity=1TB --google-enabled true --cloud-access-key <access-key> --cloud-secret-key <secret-key> --cloud-bucket-name <unique bucket name>
Step 3: Create a mount point on the filesystem for the volume
sudo mkdir /media/pool0
Step 4: Mount the Volume
sudo mount.sdfs pool0 /media/pool0/
Step 5: Copy some data to the volume and make sure it all is there
md5sum /etc/sdfs/pool0-volume-cfg.xml cp /etc/sdfs/pool0-volume-cfg.xml /media/pool0 md5sum /media/pool0/pool0-volume-cfg.xml
umount /media/pool0
Further reading:
Take a look at the administration guide for more detail.
Ask for Help
If you still need help check out the message board here!forum/dedupfilesystem-sdfs-user-discuss